Caregiver | Caregiver Flutter App Template | Caretaker App | Caren For Caregiver Flutter App UI Kit
- Will give almost all the details required for We Caregiver | Caregiver Flutter App Template | Caretaker App | Caren For Caregiver Flutter App UI Kit all Features like Authentication, Home(All Categories, Services),Booking, Top Caregivers, Health Monitoring, History, TaskShedule, Screening Tests, Prescriptions, Medications, Availability, Favorites, Search, Bookmark, My Bookings, Earnings, Subscriptions, Wallet, Chat, Profile, Notifications, Reviews, Settings.
- Everything was made with a detail-oriented style and follows today’s App Design trends.
- Clean coded & layers are well-organized, carefully named, and grouped.
- Easy customization of text, colors, graphics, and photos.
- 100% free fonts, perfect pixel (high-quality design), and very clean and cool UI. Free updates.
App Flutter UI Kit Features:
- Supported on mobile Android and iPhone
- Dart Language
- UI/UX design from industry experts
- Beautiful and professional looking design
- Smooth Transition Effects
- Font Awesome & Material Icons
- Multiple Font Selection
- Multiple Primary Colors Selection
- Mobile and Tablet Support
- Responsive design for all devices
- Animation Controller
- Complete Mediation App module
- Splash Screen
- Authentication:
- Sign In Screen
- Reset Password Screen
- Sign Up Screen
- OTP Screen
- Resend OTP Screen
- Home Screens:
- Home Screen
- Details Screen
- Bookings Screens:
- Bookings Screen
- TopCaregivers Screens:
- Top Caregivers Screen
- Health Monitoring Screens:
- Health Monitoring Screen
- History Screens:
- History Screen
- Favorites Screens:
- Favorites Screen
- Task Shedule Screens:
- Task Shedule Screen
- Screening Test Screens:
- Screening Test Screen
- Prescriptions Screens:
- Prescriptions Screen
- Medications Screens:
- Medications Screen
- Availability Screens:
- Availability Screen
- Schedule Screens:
- Schedule Screen
- Search Screens:
- Search Screen
- Bookmarks Screens:
- Bookmarks Screen
- My Bookings Screens:
- My Bookings Screen
- Earnings Screens:
- Earnings Screen
- Subscriptions Screens:
- Wallet Screen
- Chat Screens:
- Chat Screen
- Profile Screens:
- User Information Screen
- Edit User Information Screen
- Change Password Screen
- Edit Profile Screen
- Settings Screens:
- Notifications Screen
- Privacy Policy Screen
- Terms Of Service Screen
- FAQS Screen