Lunoz – CodeIgniter Admin & Dashboard Template
Lunoz – CodeIgniter Admin & Dashboard Template is the most developer-friendly & highly customizable CodeIgniter admin dashboard template based on Material design and Bootstrap 5, CSS3, and JQuery. It’s fully responsive and has a very clean user interface that comes with a huge collection of components, widgets, and UI elements. Lunoz helps you to create your next Bootstrap even faster than before. It can be used to create a saas based interface, administrator dashboard, or anything you want to build on the web. Lunoz helps your team move faster and saves development costs.
A modern CodeIgniter template for building admin panels and dashboards with a clean, responsive design.
- Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- Built with Bootstrap v5.3.3
- Built-in CodeIgniter
- Easy to Customize
- 99+ Built Pages
- Clean and Flat Design
- SASS Support
- Login, Register, and Error Pages
- Calendar View
- Vertical & Horizontal Layouts
- Form Validation
- Google & Vector Maps
- Dropify File Upload
- Quill Js Editor
- Bootstrap and Datatables Tables
- Feather, Material Design, Dripicons, and Font Awesome 5 Icons
- Form Mask
- Team Members, Invoice, Maintenance, FAQs, and Pricing Pages
- 5+ Chats Library
- Bootstrap MaxLength, Switchery, Select2, Bootstrap Touchspin, Colorpicker, Bootstrap Datepicker, Date Range Picker and Auto Numberic Plugins