Mova – Movie Streaming React Native Expo App Ui Kit
Mova is a comprehensive and feature-rich react native ui kit template designed specifically for creating movie streaming application using react native expo. With its extensive collection of more than 70 user screens, pre-designed components, and various layouts, Mova significantly accelerates the development process, making it an excellent choice for developers looking to build a high-quality movie streaming app.
Use cases for this template:
- Series / Movie Streaming App
- Film / Cinema App
- Online Video Streaming App
- TV / Television App
- Radio App
- Built with React Native Expo
- TypeScript Support
- Only Functional Components & React Hooks
- Well structured components
- Clean and Easy Code with Clear Navigation.
- This UI Provides Easy, Enjoyable, and Effective Interaction Between the User and the App
- Organized Layers and Groups.
- Responsive design to any device screen
- Light Theme Support
- Easy Customization & Personal Experience
- Movie Streaming App with Complete Features like Netflix
- My List, Download, & Premium Subscription Features Search/Filter, & Sort Movie, TV Series, K-Drama, Anime, & More
- Rating & Review, Comments, & Share Features
- Onboarding, Sign up, Sign in, Forgot & Reset Password, Advanced Account Setup, Help Center (FAQ & Contact Support), Profile, Settings, & More
- React Native
- Expo
- TypeScript
- React Native Gifted Chat