SkillGro LMS – Course & Learning Management System Laravel Script
SkillGro LMS – Course & Learning Management System Laravel Script is a comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) tailored for instructors and educators. It allows educators to create, manage, and sell their online courses. Skillgro provides a seamless platform for offering interactive online courses. Designed with real-world educational needs in mind, Skillgro is
equipped with a wide array of features to support the growth of your online education business in just a few hours.
Developed using the Laravel PHP framework, Skillgro guarantees robust security, protecting against SQL injection, XSS attacks, and CSRF attacks, ensuring a safe and reliable learning environment.
- Laravel 10 is used as framework
- Bootstrap 5 is used in Frontend design
- User friendly codes and easy to navigate
- Eye-catching and fully responsive design
- Strong security of codes
- Multiple home pages
- Course builder
- Drag and drop course curriculum builder
- Certificate builder
- Advance ajax course filter
- Course lesson player
- Multiple payment gateways
- Instructor payout module
- Separate dashboards for each Admin, Instructor and Student
- Coupon module
- Site color changing option
- RTL support
- Language change option
- Currency change option
- Script version auto update feature
- Supports video, live, and text courses
- Zoom & Jitsi support for live sessions.
- Protect videos from unauthorized access.
Admin Features
- Secure admin panel
- Course Module
- Drag and drop course curriculum builder
- Course review management
- Courses support uploading files in video, PDF, TXT, and DOCX formats.
- Certificate builder
- Course-wise Progress & Sales Analytics Report
- Instructor badge management
- Coupon Management
- Instructor payout module
- Instructor request management
- Student management module
- Instructor management module
- User ban management module
- Bulk mail sending module
- Location management
- Payment gateway management
- Payout method management
- Multi language management
- Advance auto language translation module
- Multi Currency management
- Site theme management
- Site Section on/off module
- Site color changing module
- Home page management
- Brand management
- Drag and drop menu builder
- Page builder
- Footer management
- FAQ management
- Admin management
- SEO Settings
- Maintenance mode management
- SMTP server mail
- Email configuration and template setting
- Cookie Consent option
- Google Recaptcha option
- Google Analytics option
- Tawk Live Chat option
- Wasabi cloud storage
- Amazon S3 cloud storage
- Facebook pixel option
- Login with social media(gmail)
- General Setting management
- Multi admin creation possible
- Role and permission management
- Clear database option to start the website as fresh installation
- Cache Clear option
- FAQ create, edit and delete option
- About Page management
- Language change option for front end and back end with RTL Support
- Subscriber manage with email to subscribers option
- Profile information, photo, password change option
- Forget and reset password option
- Blog Category create, edit and delete option
- Blog create, edit and delete option
- Manage Blog Comments
- Manage social links
- Testimonial Management
- Contact message management
- Admin Dashboard search feature added
- Custom CSS code input feature
- Custom JavaScript code input feature
- Instructor KYC verification
- Expand platform features with modular extensions.
- Protect videos with branding watermarks.
- And many more…
Instructor Features
- 100% responsive design
- Login system
- Became a Instructor option
- Instructor Dashboard
- Dynamic analytics in dashboard
- Course management module
- Course-wise Progress & Sales Analytics Report
- Create a live lesson using the Jitsi meeting platform
- Create a live lesson using the Zoom meeting platform
- Drag and drop course curriculum builder
- Course Announcement module
- Wasabi cloud storage
- Amazon S3 cloud storage
- Courses support uploading files in video, PDF, TXT, and DOCX formats.
- Course Q&A management system.
- Payout request module
- My sales module
- Instructor Profile management
- Payout account management
- Education & experience management
- Social links management
- Location management
- Mail and password change option
- KYC verification
- Add and manage courses in a Wishlist.
- and more…
Student Features
- 100% responsive design
- Login system
- Registration system with mail verification
- Cart system
- Student can apply for become an instructor
- Student Dashboard
- Dynamic analytics on dashboard
- Order history
- Course video player
- My review module
- Enrollment history
- Quiz Attempt history
- Profile management
- Social links management
- Location management
- Mail and password change option
- Support Zoom and Jitsi meetings for live sessions
- Add and manage courses in a wishlist.
- and more…
Payment Methods
- PayPal
- Stripe
- Razorpay
- Flutterwave
- Mollie
- Instamojo
- Paystack
- bKash
- Mercado Pago
- Crypto Payment
- Bank Payment
- Offline Payment